Thorsten Ries: Filologia i proces pisania cyfrowego – metody i wyzwani [Philology and the Digital Writing Process: Methods and Challenges]. In: Wielogłos 31.1 (2017), 103–127 [Link].


The article draws our attention to the so-called “born digital dossier génétique,” focusing on the specific aspects of its materiality. The born-digital record consists of digital objects, temporary files, metadata and fragmented traces of the writing process, which are scattered across multiple system locations and might be recoverable from the unallocated space of the data carrier. When the researcher analyzes a digital dossier génétique, he or she reads the writing process through the digital traces of the algorithmic processing on a specific historical system with specific forensically salient features. The forensic features to look at are historically specific for the archived system in question and need specific tools and media-archaeological knowledge to be interpreted adequately. In conclusion, the author argues that the forensic materiality of the born digital record poses important and attractive challenges to both scholarly editing and genetic criticism.